In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the College publishes statistics on the following criminal offenses, which occurred on or near campus. These offenses are maintained according to the definitions used in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting System.
Campus statistics are published and reported to the Department of Education by October 1 of each year. Statistics reflect data from the three previous calendar years as required by the Clery Act.*
These statistics were updated and are valid as of September 30, 2023. Please contact Bill Breedlove at, or 434-947-8144, if you have questions.
In 1990 Congress passed legislation that established the right of students, their parents, and employees to know about crimes committed on campuses and about campus security policies and procedures. By having colleges and universities disseminate such information, Congress intended to increase the level of campus security awareness, thereby helping to create safer campuses.
In compliance with this law, now called the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, and in support of the aims of the legislation, Randolph College herein presents the following information related to campus security and safety. It is the policy of the College to have the Dean of Students annually provide data to the Director of Campus Safety, who is responsible for compiling and distributing the final report. Thus, anyone with information about crimes or violations of College rules should report the matter to the Dean of Students, the Director of Campus Safety, or a Campus Safety Officer so that the data can be included in the annual statistical disclosure.
Randolph College shares the concern of families, students, and the community for the well-being and safety of all members of our campus community. However, Randolph knows that the basic responsibility lies with each of us to take measures to ensure our personal safety as well as that of our possessions. While Randolph has experienced a history of a safe and secure environment, it must be remembered that no community is immune to crime. The community can remain safe only if members act responsibly toward themselves and others.
Under the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the following is a list of crimes that must be reported by all colleges and universities. Incidents that are reported by a college under the campus act have actually occurred on that campus.